Improving your credit, saving more, paying off debt and living life on your terms...
It is our mission here at AMT Capital to assist you in reaching your financial goals through the improvement of your credit.
Having low or poor credit could place you in a position where you are unable to achieve your dreams!
It doesn't matter if you're trying to buy a car, house, start a business, get a job, or get insurance. Your credit will be checked!
It's our mission to ensure that your credit matches your goals, so you can build wealth and live the life that you deserve!
Sign Up - We give you a free credit consultation and analysis while we work with you to identify any negative items that are hurting your score.
We Do the Work - We use aggressive disputing tactics and strategies to challenge negative items on your credit report with the credit bureaus as well as educate you on how to use credit properly to speed the credit improvement process up.
Get Results - Every 30 days, we are updating your encrypted portal with your credit improvement results.
Credit Education
3 Bureau Audit-Analysis
24/7 Client Portal Access
Customer Service Support
Monthly Updates
Credit Building Recommendation
Money Back Guarantee if No Deletions in 180 Days
Unlimited Disputes
Credit Education
3 Bureau Audit-Analysis
24/7 Client Portal Access
Customer Service Support
Monthly Updates
Credit Building Recommendations
Money Back Guarantee if No Deletions in 180 Days
Unlimited Disputes
WHAT IS YOUR Money Back Guarantee?
You are entitled to a 100% refund on all monthly payments under the following circumstances:
If we do not remove any negatives and you've obtained our services for 180 days.
You have not used a credit-consulting agency nor attempted to repair your credit at least two years previous to signing up for our services.
You have had no new collections, charge offs or missed payments during the time frame we are assisting you.
You have maintained credit monitoring services at all times during the time frame we are helping you.
You agree & have sent updated reports/responses from the three credit bureaus & creditors to us within five days of receipt.
You should receive updated credit reports every 30-45 days and make us aware if updated reports have not been received.
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